Monday, December 15, 2008

Outgoing President George W Bush receives ultimate Arab insult in shoe throwing incident...

Outgoing President George W Bush received ultimate Arab insult with shoe throwing incident...

Outgoing President George W Bush received the ulimate insult in the Arab world when he had a pair of shoes thrown at him by a local journalist at a media conference in Iraq.

Despite the shoe-thrower being arrested, it is unlikely he will be severely punished because most Iraqis have applauded his actions. Shoes are the dirtiest things a person can throw at another because they are the closest to the ground. In Bush's case many Iraqis consider that he is responsible for dragging Iraqi society through the dirt. Interesting!

There was a distinct delay between the throwing of the two shoes - security guards appeared to be slow in reacting.
What if the Iraqi journalist's intentions had been more sinister?