A little blue pill for the Afghan warlord...
First published at Qassia:
While the CIA has reportedly a long reputation in winning over fickle Afghan warlords, chieftains and other leaders with the usual variety of inducements: food, pocket knives, tools, mirrors, medicine and surgeries for family members, toys and school equipment, tooth extractions and, even pharmaceutical enhancement for an ailing patriarch with a limp libido - there is always the little blue Viagra pill!
In recent times an aging chieftain reportedly appearing even older than his 60 plus years, with a very well used look and bearded face of a tribal patriarch and husband to four much younger women, gave a regional CIA officer the opportunity to glean some vital local information regarding the possible whereabouts of Taleban, drug dealers, and agents infiltrating from Iran.
On returning to the area four days the CIA man gained the required information from a now fully rejuvenated patriarch who looked like he was literally jumping out of his skin, and also a request for more of those little blue pills! The newest weapon in the CIA arsenal?
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